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Ireland 2016 Calendar

Panoramic Ireland Calendar, 58 x 39 cm


The photographer and Ireland expert Stefan Schnebelt’s 2016 calendar shows the diverse and unique charm of the Emerald Isle on the western coast of Europe. This calendar elaborately sets the scene to delve into the rich unparalled beauty of Ireland with pictures ranging from the wild romantic Atlantic coast to the forty shades of green meadows and in between relics shrouded in legend and picture perfect cottages. Let yourself be taken on a twelve month magical, inspiring journey with this skillfully artistically arranged calendar in panorama format.


Ireland 2016 Calendar details:

Title: IRELAND 2016
Subtitle: Panoramic Ireland calendar
Author: Stefan Schnebelt
ISBN: 978-3-7843537-7-7
Pages: 12 Pages
Dimensions: 58 x 39 cm
Language: German